3 Muscles (That You Wouldn’t Think of!!) to Foam Roll When You’re Experiencing Back Pain

You wouldn’t necessarily think to foam roll your glutes and quads when your back is tight but the body is one big kinetic chain which means everything is connected. 

If your back is tight, it’s probably because your hips and/or glutes are hella tight which is aggravating/pulling on your QL and/or lower back. 

Point blank: The area where you’re having pain on your body is usually not the (only) culprit for your pain. 

Think of it like this: if you have a leak coming from your ceiling, you’re not going to spackle the ceiling because the ceiling is the issue. You’re bringing your ass to the roof to figure out where the leak is coming from! The body works the same way. 

I encourage you to get curious about your pain. Next time you’re having some back problems or your back feels tight in general, foam roll these three muscle groups:

  • Glutes 

  • Hip flexors 

  • Quads 

Stay on each of these areas for 2-3 minutes a piece.

Check out THIS video for a quick demonstration.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me!

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