4 Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Microdosing Experience


“Microdosing”, which is the regular practice of ingesting small amounts of a psychedelic substance, is rapidly becoming mainstream. There have been various studies showing the benefits as it becomes more popular through the general population.

I have done my own research, and here’s what I have found.

For a comprehensive guide to Microdosing, check out my downloadable PDF!

If you’re someone who has done your research and believe you’re a good candidate to try it out, there are a few tips I suggest you consider before diving in.

Set an intention

It’s so important to know and understand what it is you’re trying to accomplish before you set out on your journey. This will also help you to determine what psychedelic substance would be most suitable for you as all substances differ in their own unique chemical and compound structure. Setting an intention will also help you determine throughout the process if you’re truly getting what you want out of the experience.

Experiment with finding your very own “sweet spot”

Everybody is different- period. We all metabolize foods and medicine differently based on our lean mass, hormones and genetics. That means how I feel taking a certain dosage of medicine is going to be experienced completely differently than how you feel taking that same amount. A microdosing “sweet spot” just means taking a sub perceptual dose that feels good for YOU. It might take a week or so for you to find your own sweet spot. You might feel great taking a low dose in the morning on an empty stomach, or maybe you prefer to take it with a light breakfast. Maybe you tend to get a little sleepy from your dose so you might prefer to take it at night. Whatever you find works best for you, just remember to start LOW and start SLOW. You should also consider starting on a weekend when you don’t have too many obligations going on. If you feel you took too low of a dose on a particular day, no need to dose with more that day. Just take slightly more the following day and observe how you feel.

Choose a protocol to follow

Following a “protocol” or a schedule to follow when microdosing is important because it allows you to observe the effects of microdosing on yourself. All of them schedule 2 to 4 weeks of rest after you have completed a 4 to 8 week microdosing journey. (source: https://microdosinginstitute.com/how-to/microdosing-protocols/) Making sure you cycle off to give your body a break (and keep your tolerance down) is crucial. Below are a few of my favorite microsing protocols --

Staments protocol: You’d cycle on for four days and off for three days OR cycle on for five days and off for two. It’s recommended you cycle off in any given week for at least 1-2 days.

Fadiman Protocol: Cycle on for one day, off for two days OR choosing two fixed days in any given week.

Harmony: 4-Week Microdose Monitoring
$49.99 every week for 4 weeks

Microdosing institutes protocol: Cycle on and off for every other day OR following the “nightcap” protocol which is to cycle on for one evening and then off the next.

Intuitive microdosing protocol: You would intuitively choose which days throughout any given week to be “on” with one exception- you cycle off for at least one day throughout the week.


Making sure to track your biofeedback in the body and observing any changes and shifts throughout your microdising journey is CRUCIAL to make improvements and changes as you move forward. Changes and shifts may happen subtly so having notes and a journal to reflect back on is really helpful. I like to track things like my workouts, sleep, mood, and changes in my thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Other tips to consider

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive start to Microdosing, you can purchase my 1-month program that provides exclusive content and full access to me as your nutritionist and spiritual guide to ensure you reap maximum benefits of the medicine.

  • Avoid alcohol: I’ve found that alcohol is a substance that dampers the effects of my microdose so anytime I take on new clients for integrative work, I suggest abstaining from alcohol.

  • Make sure you’re doing something for your physical well being as well such as incorporating daily movement and eating well rounded nutrient dense meals on the daily. It’s important to understand that microdosing is not a “magic pill” and alone will not save you or change you. Keeping your body and mind healthy is recommended in order to give this medicine a real chance to work its magic. Daily movement, meditation and eating a healthy well balanced diet should all be prioritized throughout the course of your microdosing journey.

Remember to stay patient and open minded! Real changes take time and again this is not a magic pill. If you want to learn more on how to start your own personal microdosing and complete body, mind and spirit transformation, reach out to me TODAY to schedule your FREE strategy call. I’m here to help!

*Remember I am not a doctor nor is this medical advice. I am not supplying any illegal drugs nor will I assist you or advise you on where to get them. I cannot and will not tell you where and how to get access to them.


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