How Integrative Coaching Can Transform Your Health Journey: Insights from Hart Wellness


Before considering microdosing or any substance-based approach, it is essential to consult with medical professionals and ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.


Integrative coaching is reshaping the health and wellness landscape by providing a holistic approach that addresses both physical and mental well-being through microdosing with a specific substance. At Hart Wellness, our Harmony program exemplifies this transformative approach and we focus on supporting our clients through microdosing. Here’s how integrative coaching can revolutionize your health journey.

What is Integrative Coaching?

Integrative coaching combines fitness, nutrition, and microdosing support to create a comprehensive wellness plan. This approach ensures a balanced life by addressing all aspects of your well-being.

Benefits of Integrative Coaching

  • Stress Management: Techniques to handle daily stress effectively.

  • Personalized Health Goals: Tailored plans to meet individual needs.

  • Enhanced Accountability: Consistent support and motivation.

  • Safety and Guidance; We help guide you through the do’s and don’t’s of using psychedelics and help navigate this new space with you both physically and mentally. Make sure you pick up our FREE microdosing guide HERE 

The Hart Wellness Harmony Program

Our Harmony program integrates biohacking, nervous system support, microdosing and advanced nutritional strategies to provide holistic coaching that transforms lives. Experience the difference with our expert-guided approach to health and wellness.

Success Stories


Success Stories -

I'm incredibly grateful for the transformative experience under the expert guidance of Amanda. As a skilled integration coach, Amanda combines extensive knowledge of [plant medicine] with a personalized approach, ensuring my experience was safe, effective, and life-enhancing. Always available for support and equipped with useful tools like journaling prompts and ground-staying techniques, Amanda is more than a coach- she’s a beacon of trustworthiness in the realm of plant medicine. She respected my safety and individual needs which created an unparalleled level of comfort for me. With her rich expertise attained over years of practice and comprehensive training, Amanda crafts a holistic and transformative experience for her clients. Amanda provided me with an invaluable gateway to new dimensions of personal growth and awareness. I’m so grateful to have worked with her!”

Melanie W.

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