Best Exercise for New Moms with Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is known as the abdominal separation that occurs when the rectus abdominis, the two large vertical banks of muscles that meet in the middle of your abdomen, pull apart from their attachment point. This often happens to new moms after carrying a baby to full-term or anyone who has had stomach surgery.

If you’ve carried a full-term baby, chances are you’ve experienced some degree of separation in this area and you can get a proper diagnosis from your doctor.


Some of the common signs of Diastasis Recti are:

  • Looking pregnant long after your pregnancy

  • Pain or discomfort during sex

  • Feeling weak or disconnected from your core

  • Lower back pain

  • Constipation

  • Bloating, especially after eating

  • An umbilical hernia

  • An outie belly button

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Poor posture

  • A belly bulge

I often get asked by people if it’s too late to “fix” their diastasis recti even if their child is older- the answer is no! It is never too late to strengthen your pelvic floor and close your diastasis recti for good.

Some doctors or clinics may try to pressure you into purchasing ”sleeves” that are similar to waist bands to help support your stomach but the reality is I’ve only seen success and recovery from DR from people who were willing to do the work every week. Yes, I mean the physical work of doing consistent core exercises to help with increasing the body/mind connection and strengthen the core.

This can all be done with a simple and consistent progressive strength based program. If you’re interested in learning more, contact me HERE so we can set you up on a strategy call to discuss the details of your own individualized core strength program.

In the meantime, feel free to get started on some of these prone pelvic floor and core exercises to help you move past Diastasis Recti.


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