If You Want Faster Results, Spend Less Time Doing This

Something important to point out here before I dive in... I’m not saying it’s bad or wrong to be motivated by results. The problem is being overly focused on results.

Here’s why:

When you’re seeing stellar results, it’s easier to get comfortable and fall off track.

And when you’re seeing crappy results, it’s easier to lose motivation and give up.

Makes sense, right?

I’m not saying you can’t be motivated by results. What I’m saying is the more time you spend focused on results, the less time you spend focused on the process that gets you results.

If you’re wondering how you can do a better job of focusing on the process, then I recommend you spend more time recognizing and reflecting on the magnitude of ways you can make progress.

Losing weight is progress, for sure. But so is:

  • Maintaining a new lower weight

  • Increasing your daily step count

  • Fitting into new or old clothes

  • Getting back on track faster

  • Planning ahead more often

  • Feeling more in control

The more time you spend focused on the process, the more progress you’ll make. Every bit of progress you make moves you closer to the results you want.

Through my 12 week online coaching program, I help my clients focus on the process. One way I do this is by giving them a plan that not only guarantees results but actually fits their schedule and lifestyle. This saves my clients from experiencing unnecessary stress, and from wasting they’re already limited time trying to find the right approach for their situation and goals.

Interested in learning more? Set up a free strategy call with me today and let’s dissect your goals and come up with a plan that works for you.


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