Try This One Trick for a Quick Mindset Shift

Instead of saying “This is impossible, I can’t do this”, start asking yourself, “what are some ways I can break this down to make it more manageable for me?”⠀

Here’s the thing – language matters and your words have real power!

Becoming more mindful about language is a small shift I work on with all my clients. Just making these small changes in our internal dialogue can translate to BIG shifts in real life. ⠀

I had a client share with me last week how impossible it’s been for him to get all three workouts in every week (full-time job, single dad, enough said). ⠀

I responded gently by asking him,⠀

“Instead of saying how impossible it is to get your workouts in, ask yourself how you can make more time with the168 hour week you have right now?” ⠀


The very next day, I have a lengthy message from him in my inbox giving me all the solutions he can think of to make more time for his workouts.⠀

So I challenge you the next time you find yourself saying how impossible or hard something is, flip the script! ⠀

For every task that feels daunting or difficult, there’s always a solution.

Yes, It may take getting creative or becoming more resourceful and maybe that means asking for help, hiring a coach or outsourcing someone else to do the job. Whatever the case, the answer will become a whole lot clearer once you stop telling yourself you can’t and reframe your mindset to believe you CAN.


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