90% Of People Do NOT See Results Because Of This...

What is the one thing that is holding you back from reaching your fitness goals? This "thing" could be classified as many "things":

  • Lack of precision

  • Need to be “perfect”

  • Inconsistency

  • Inaccuracy

  • Laziness

Overall, it's just being off without realizing it OR without caring enough to double check. But every time I get serious about a cut, this is my first audit on myself.

And when I’m coaching clients, it's the same thing. I can't tell you how many clients over the years have hit a plateau and look to me for a calorie cut, because logically that's the best move.

Not losing weight anymore? Ok, cut some carbs or fats to keep the losses rolling. And yes, often times we need to do that.

Many times, BEFORE we get to cutting carbs or fats...we should just simply clean things up:

  • Measure things with honesty

  • Actually track all your macros

  • Pay more attention to condiments

The most BASIC things, that we all either "know already" or don't think make a big enough difference, so we just ignore it completely. Here's a solid example:

90% Of People Do NOT See Results Because Of This....jpg

That's 27g ("a tbsp") vs. 16g (an actual tbsp). Not a huge difference and for most of us, that's a normal size one because the little bit over filling is just barely over. No biggie.

But it's also 8g of fat vs. 14g of fat, almost double. 100 vs. 175 calories, you might as well just have a second tablespoon. Which is crazy because it doesn't look like that much...

What's my real point here? To be overly anal and restricted? Be the ultimate macro tracker? No, none of those things.

And if you do not have a fat loss goal (short or long term) or literally just enjoy the lifestyle (like me), then who gives a shit (honestly). A little off is not a big deal if you don't have a goal.

So, if you do have a goal, that's 75 extra calories. If you do that type of lazy measuring on 5 meals a day, that's 375 extra calories per day. That's actually a really big daily deficit!

Which also means you could very well be literally taking yourself out of the deficit you or your coach created for you, to lose weight. Meaning you're "cutting" and "tracking" and working real hard towards your goal...But it's not working and you don't know why....This is why.

You're not in the deficit you think you are. The positive is that you're doing it to yourself, not your hormones or anything overly complicated like that. So what's my ending pitch or plug here today...?? Nothing.

I mean you can always schedule a FREE strategy call with me to formulate your own plan in the upcoming months, especially as we head into another lockdown.

What better time than now to focus on YOU and your goals? Remember, YOU CAN WIN. I can help.


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