How to Find Your Microdosing Sweet Spot

*Please note I am not a doctor nor is this medical advice. I am not supplying any illegal drugs nor will I assist you or advise you on where to get them. I cannot and will not tell you where and how to get them. All content provided here by me is for educational and harm reduction purposes only. 

Microdosing is a growing trend that involves taking small amounts of a substance, such as LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, Ketamine or cannabis, to experience its benefits without the full effects of a larger dose. This technique can provide a range of benefits, including increased creativity, focus, energy, and relaxation.

However, finding the right balance or "sweet spot" can be challenging, as too little may not have any effects, while too much could result in unwanted side effects. Here are some tips for finding your microdosing sweet spot.

therapeutic psychedelic dose for sweet spot

1. Start low and slow

It's important to start with a low dose, often referred to as a "sub-perceptual dose," and gradually increase it over time. This will allow you to track your body's response to the substance and identify your sweet spot.

2. Keep a journal

Track your dosage and any effects you experience, including mood changes, energy levels, focus, and creativity. This will help you identify patterns and determine the ideal dose for you.

3. Track your body's biofeedback

Pay attention to any physical or psychological effects that you experience. If you notice any negative effects, lower your dose, or consider a different substance.

4. Consult a professional

It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or medication regimen, including microdosing.

5. Be patient!

Finding your microdosing sweet spot can take time, and it may require some experimentation before you find the optimal dose for you. Be patient, have an open mind, and try different doses until you find the right balance for you. 

Finding your very own microdosing sweet spot requires careful experimentation, monitoring, and patience. If you need help finding your sweet spot with microdosing, feel free to connect with me! I’m taking on new one on one integrative clients and would love to hear from you.


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