My Advice After Moving Across The Country

Do the one thing that scares you the most!

I hope when you’re given the opportunity to do the really easy thing or the really hard thing in life, you choose the really hard thing. On the other side of all that discomfort and all the unknowns is tremendous opportunity for growth. ⠀

Six months ago I couldn’t have predicted what would come from me packing up all my stuff and moving across the country but, damn. It’s been quite the ride.. This experience has changed me to the core—I’ve been challenged, shaken, and pushed to the edge.⠀

I’ve redefined my values and squashed old limiting beliefs. And you know what? I surprised myself.

I did the thing I was most scared to do- leave my home, New York City, and everyone I knew in it. ⠀

These past six months, I’ve been inspired and loved up on by such brilliant, incredible, loving human beings whom I’m fortunate enough to call my dear friends. ⠀

I know your life is your own to be lived, but if you’re holding yourself back with the slightest inclination, asking yourself, “what if?”, please use this as your sign to take action. Do the thing that terrifies you. ⠀

Because even if it doesn’t work out the way you anticipated, you can always say you tried. And you know what? You don’t need all the answers to start, you just need to be courageous enough to take that first step.

Tell me, when was the last time you stretched yourself beyond your borders? Is there something inside of you begging for you to explore the uncomfortable?

Drop me a line in the comments below and let me know! I’d love to hear from you.


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