Why Your Language Around Food Matters

Something I coach my clients on regularly is noticing the language in which they think and talk about food.

For example, they go out to dinner and the next day they tell me; “I should have just ordered the grilled chicken and salad!”⠀

Instead, I encourage them to frame that statement differently. More like; “I’m noticing that I’m having the thought that I should have ordered the grilled chicken with salad.”⠀

Two reasons why this reframe when talking about food is SUPER helpful: ⠀

1️. It takes the guilt out of the equation for the person

I remind them that they aren’t less healthy for not ordering the grilled chicken and it’s ok to not always order the most “nutrient dense” or “balanced” foods on the menu. It does not make you any less “healthy.”

2. It separates them from their thoughts

Thoughts are not always true but we know they are very powerful. Our thoughts have the power to COMPLETELY alter our mood, energy and focus. When we’re able to acknowledge that our thoughts are separate from us, we can separate ourselves from the thought with more ease and grace. ⠀

Guilt is a HUGE emotion that diet culture plays off of. Diet culture has conditioned us to believe it’s normal to feel guilty around food. PSST- it’s not!! You don’t need to be bogged down by guilt when it comes to eating). ⠀

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Through my 12-week online coaching program, not only do we work together to debunk these old narratives and myths instilled in us by diet culture, we also work on constructing new narratives to help you reach true FOOD FREEDOM.⠀⠀

Interested in learning more? Schedule your FREE strategy call with me and I’ll get back to you ASAP.⠀


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