Why Establishing a Morning Routine is Essential

I feel like I’ve been under water for the last eight weeks and I just came up for air.

Losing my little brother was one of the biggest obstacles I’ve ever had to go through in my entire life. There’s nothing on this planet that can prepare you for the heartache of losing a loved one.

And the thing is, death is a part of life. We’ll all come face to face with it…eventually.

Thankfully, I’m finally feeling like myself again.

Throughout those dark times one thing became very evident to me: having a routine and a way to manage my stress on the daily was absolutely VITAL for getting through the toughest time of my life.

Which motivated me to write this post.

I believe having certain habitual routines in our lives help us overcome some of our darkest days.

There’s no telling when shit will hit the fan in your life which is why establishing these routines even when things seem peachy is so important!

I call these daily habits my “non-negotiables.” And I stress them with my clients as well. if you don’t have a few of your own, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Here’s why:

Life is going to throw you curveballs and It’s going to get really, really uncomfortable at times. Maybe to the point where you feel like you can’t even get out of bed in the morning.

The one thing that helped me get through it all was having my own set of non-negotiable habits.

I CLUNG to them like a safety blanket these past two months.

Because when my mind was in a whirlwind and my body and nervous system completely shutdown, these habits served as my life raft.

And I think when shit gets dark for you, they can serve for you just as well as they served for me.

My AM non-negotiables:

  • Drink a liter of water

  • Take my vitamins

  • Meditate for 20 mins

Keep in mind, It doesn’t have to be a long list either. One or two habits to get you out of bed will suffice.

I’m emphasizing this because after years of listening to countless podcasts and hearing hundreds of success stories from various entrepreneurs, all of them had this one thing in common: they all had an established morning routine. They all took the time to pour into their OWN cup before they poured into others.

And developing your own set of non-negotiable habits will not only have a positive impact on your daily life, but particularly in those high stress & hella traumatic life events none of us can ever prepare for.

What are YOUR non-negotiable habits you have established? Or what are some you would like to start practicing? Share in the comments below.

P.S. I love you and thanks for reading.


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