How do I know Reverse Dieting is Right for Me?
Reverse dieting is a gradual process of increasing caloric intake to boost metabolism. It involves systematically raising food consumption weekly, transitioning the body from a "fight or flight" metabolic state to one that efficiently utilizes food for energy.
Here’s the deal:
When we restrict food, our bodies and metabolisms slow down to that snail rate in which we are eating. Why? To put it simply, adaptation. You’re body is a work of art and is very, very intelligent. It’s doing it’s job at protecting you by storing those little calories that you are eating, as fat because it doesn’t want you to go starving! Thus, whatever little food you are eating is being put on the back burner (love handles, ass, belly, etc) and stored as fat to keep you ALIVE (Thanks body! You’re much too sweet! Gosh I love you.<3 ).
It seems many women and men are in need of reverse dieting after extreme dieting and caloric deficit for many years. On top of that, they are often times we are over-training, to try and counter the lack of changes we are seeing in our bodies. Some may even find they begin to put on weight while making no changes to their current diet and workouts. People often come to me hopeless and frustrated. I feel for them because some been prescribed this “diet” from their own doctor’s who prescribe them these horrific starvation diets of less than 1000 calories a day! Initially, this will work if you need to lose weight. But then what? A couple of years down the line the scale starts to creep back up and they panic because they have literally changed nothing. That’s when I come in.
So what’s my story?
While I'm not a registered dietitian, I have a decade of experience coaching clients on nutrition and hold a public health degree including nutrition coursework. My claims regarding reverse dieting are based on personal experience and client results.
Check out my FREE reverse dieting meal plan HERE
I first came across reverse dieting a few years back after competing in my first Bikini Bodybuilding Show. After going through the extreme dieting process, meticulously tracking macros and calories and working out two times a day or more, after my show I felt like a deer in headlights. I was lost. My coach left me high and dry post show and I had no idea what I was going to do to get myself and my body back to normal.
I was eating around 1500 calories a day which I knew was not sustainable. I was terrified because I read and saw so many women after competing go back to their “normal” eating habits and some claimed to have put on 10-20 pounds of weight in two weeks or less! Although I loved the way I looked, living my life in such a restrictive manner was not only unrealistic for me but was excruciatingly boring. I was miserable and fighting demons daily in my head. This was not my idea of healthy living. I knew I had to slowly go back to eating more food and working out less. But I was terrified. So I researched and studied how to re-introduce my own normal healthy eating back into my life.
I began to slowly increase calories week to week and slowly scale back the time I was spending in the gym. I needed to be happy and mentally get out of the food fixation and obsession competing instilled in me. I knew this was not the way I wanted to live my life. I had been an athlete all my life and prior to bodybuilding I was never one who fixated much on food. Not only were there physical obstacles I knew I had to overcome but there were mental obstacles too. I was a perfect candidate for reverse dieting.
You may not have competed in a bodybuilding show or you may not have even stepped foot in a gym in a year. That doesn’t mean you aren’t a good candidate for Reverse Dieting!
Below I highlight some obvious signs I have found in the last few years from working with over dozens of women who all were in need of reverse dieting due to their own individual circumstances.
You have come off of an extreme weight loss diet and never changed anything after the initial weight loss. (AKA never slowly started to eat more)
You have a history of yo-yo dieting
You have hit a plateau and nothing you do seems to work or make a change in your body
You don’t eat a lot... at all (1200 calories or less a day) and you are often not even hungry
You have lost your period or it’s spotty month to month
You don’t really have regular BM’s
You work out a TON (everyday or close to everyday)
You do cardio 5x a week or more
You are often tired, sore, achy and overall just blah
You worry about your next meals or often feel guilty for eating certain foods
You don’t feel good about your body despite how much you diet and how much you workout
If you have answered yes to eight out of eleven of those questions, you should consider reverse dieting. I know the idea of eating more food is terrifying. Seriously. I know because I was there! Know that you are not alone and that there is hope. Ask yourself what you are going to do going forward. Do you want to continue living your life as a slave to the gym and constantly putting up rules and restrictions around food? How many days a week would you workout in an ideal world if you felt like you didn’t “need” to? Now imagine you were doing that and getting the results you desired. Well, guess what? It is possible! Reverse dieting is a long term investment in your body and in your overall LIFE. Not only can it change your physical appearance but it will have a positive impact on your entire life on a much larger scale.
I hope this helps you if you find yourself stuck and without any hope for change. You are not alone and there are MANY women in your exact situation. Know and believe that change is possible and It starts with you.