Top Ways to Feel Full When Calories are LOW

If you’re currently cutting, we know it can be a challenging journey to say the least.

Headaches, hangriness, irritability, brain fog, forgetfulness, low energy- these can all be side effects of cutting calories and dieting!

This is also why we cycle in and out of cuts- because it’s not only challenging on the mind but on the body as well!

If you are currently in a cut, I wanted to share some of my favorite tips with you in order to feel as satiated as possible (which as we know is really challenging when in a deficit).

Keep these tips in mind when cutting calories:

  • Switch to low calorie/artificial sweeteners

  • Eat a BAS (big ass salad) for your lunch/dinner with at least 1.5-2 servings of protein (and all the veggies)

  • Switch to diet sodas (or avoid them if you can).

  • Consume low calorie/sugar free drinks/water before eating (crystal light and/or flavored seltzer are great options).

  • Prepare your meals at home/eat out less (try to eat out only 2-3x a week).

  • Select leaner cuts of meat chicken breast over thighs and flank steak or filet mignon).

  • Double your veggie consumption and cut your starch consumption in half

  • Eat mindfully and stop rushing your meals

  • Look for lower calorie recipes of your favorite foods

Here’s a list of some high protein snack ideas to keep you fueled this summer.

Check it out, and let me know your thoughts.

If you need help coming up with some alternatives to help you get through this cut or to start a cut before the summer, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’m here to help and am currently accepting new clients onto my one on one coaching roster.


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