Breaking the Cycle: How to Stop Binge Eating When You're Stoned

Being a holistic wellness coach for over fourteen years, I've had experience in various fields, including fitness, nutrition, mental health, stress management, sleep management and even in the novel sphere of microdosing with psilocybin. 

One theme that repeatedly emerged throughout my journey has been aiding individuals struggling with binge eating, a predicament which is accentuated when under the influence of substances, such as cannabis.

Often known colloquially as "the munchies", this enticing urge to eat when stoned is triggered by THC, the active compound in cannabis. THC can boost one's sense of smell and taste, making food more appealing. But there's more than just biology at play, emotional and mental factors are also deeply involved. Here's a holistic approach that will help you break the cycle:

1. Mindful eating

Start off by eating slowly and appreciating each bite. Fully experiencing the food’s texture, taste, and smell can help identify when you’re full before overeating sets in. Noticing if you’re high before you smoke will be a helpful indicator to keep in mind when the urges strike. Try and identify what hunger feels like In your body and connect to that when the urge hits. 

2. Healthy snack alternatives

Try keeping fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts around when you get the urge to snack. Foods high in fiber will fill you up without adding unnecessary calories like raspberries, avocados, pears, apples and even popcorn!

3. Hydration

Sometimes, what you perceive as hunger is thirst in disguise. Keep yourself hydrated, especially when consuming substances that may dehydrate you like cannabis.

4. Mental health check-ins

Binge eating can often be a reaction to stress, anxiety, or sadness. Regularly checking in with your feelings can help you identify these triggers and find healthier ways to cope and identifying your hunger cues also helps. 

5. Regular exercise

Regular physical activity releases endorphins that make us feel good, curbing the urge for comfort food.

6. Sleep well

Lack of sleep can increase hunger pangs and cravings. Establish a regular sleep routine to help keep your binge urges in check.

7. Microdosing psilocybin

Recent studies have shown that microdosing with psilocybin can help with a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and addiction. This might be something to consider, with a professional's guidance like myself of course.

Whether you’re an avid smoker or a newbie to the cannabis consumption world, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the occasional joint, bowl, or bong rip. To me, cannabis usage is no different than having a glass of wine. I’d even go so far to say that cannabis is healthier than alcohol, in my opinion! My own biases may apply. As always, consume responsibly and give the tips above a try if overeating when high is often a problem for you.

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