How to See Faster Results in the Gym

Here’s a little secret for you: ⁣If you want to see faster results, spend less time focused on the end goal.⠀

Why? Because when you’re seeing stellar results, it’s easier to get comfortable and fall off track.⠀⠀

Comparatively, when you’re seeing lousy results, it’s easier to lose motivation and throw in the towel. ⠀

I’m not saying you can’t be motivated by results. What I’m saying is the more time you spend focused on the outcome, the less time you spend focused on the process. Trust me when I say, the magic tends to unfold when we learn to enjoy the process.⠀⠀


If you’re wondering how you can do a better job at “enjoying the process”, I’d recommend spending more time reflecting on the magnitude of ways you can make progress each week. Those smaller (but just as important wins) can look like:

  • Maintaining a new lower weight⠀⠀

  • Increasing your daily step count⠀⠀

  • Fitting into new or old clothes⠀⠀

  • Getting back on track faster⠀⠀

  • Planning ahead more often⠀⠀

  • Feeling more in control⠀⠀

  • Enjoying a more balanced relationship with food⠀⠀

  • Sustaining more energy throughout the day ⠀⠀

Keep in mind even the small wins ultimately get you closer to the results you want. If you need help, connect with me!


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