Workout With Me! How to Get Started

Let's talk, you and me - human to human. So, you've decided to take that first leap of faith and start your fitness journey? Kudos to you, darling, that's commendable! As a 37-year-old fitness trainer, trust me, the butterflies in the stomach... we've all been there.

First things first: remember, it's never too late to start. But you have to understand this: Your body is pretty incredible! As we get older, we experience a shift in lean muscle mass and metabolic rate. *Argh*, those pesky metabolism changes again. What if I told you, a well-rounded training regime could help challenge these changes? Mind blowing stuff, huh?

So, here it is, ladies and gents, your body's new best friend: a total body workout for beginners. So put on your favorite fitness gears, maybe some upbeat music to get your motivated and let's do this!

1. Squats

Oh yes, the absolute queen of exercises. This beautiful movement targets your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Check out my favorite variations

2. Push-ups

Classic but effective, they work your chest, shoulders, and really put your core strength to the test. It's okay if you want to start on your knees or even against a wall. We all started there! Check out my favorite variation HERE and HERE.

3. Planks

A core-buster indeed! It's like a yoga pose, but you know, one to curse at. Check out my favorite variation.

4. Lateral Arm Raises

Now, don't be so shocked. Not only does this quaint exercise target your shoulders but also helps to improve posture. *A two-for-one deal*, yup! Check out my favorite variation below.

5. Lunges

Love them or hate them, lunges are a fantastic lower-body staple. Your glutes, quads, calves - nothing stays untouched. Check out my favorite variation HERE

Like I always say, start slow and easy, don't rush it. These exercises can be done at home or a park sans any equipment, with just your trusty yoga mat for company. Workout at your own pace, make it enjoyable! And remember, fitness is not a destination but a way of life. 

If you need help with designing an effective progressive weight training program for yourself, check out my Reset Revolution program and connect with me with any questions you might have.

Reset Revolution



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