7 Signs You May be at Risk For Orthorexia

Orthorexia is a relatively new term used to describe a serious eating disorder that involves an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy foods. Unlike anorexia or bulimia, orthorexia is not widely recognized as a distinct disorder, and there is no standardized diagnostic criteria. However, there are some warning signs that you may be at risk of developing orthorexia. 

Here are the top seven signs that may indicate that you're at risk for orthorexia.

1. You obsess over the quality of the food you eat

You spend a lot of time researching the nutritional content of foods, and you insist on eating only the purest, most nutrient-dense options.

2. You feel guilty or anxious when you eat foods that are not on your "approved" list

You may feel like you've failed or lost control if you eat something that's not "healthy."

3. You make strict rules around your eating habits

For example, you may refuse to eat anything that's not organic or sugar-free, regardless of how much you want it.

4. You're anxious about eating in social situations

Social gatherings centered around food may trigger anxiety, and you may avoid them altogether.

5. You judge others based on their eating habits

You may feel superior to others who don't meet your standards of healthy eating, and you may criticize their food choices.

6. You restrict your calorie intake or avoid entire food groups

You may avoid entire food groups, such as carbohydrates, and may significantly restrict your caloric intake in order to maintain your "healthy" eating habits.

7. Your relationships or activities are affected by your eating habits

Your obsession with healthy eating may cause you to miss social events, decline invitations or activities, or cause conflict in your relationships.

If you recognize some of these patterns in your own life, it may be time to seek help from a qualified professional. Good news: I can help! I’m a certified nutritionist and have been in your exact shoes. I myself suffered from orthorexia for close to two years and although I was the leanest I ever was. I was also my unhealthiest and unhappiest. 

You're not alone and there is a way out. You don’t need to live your life in this restrictive manner with this black and white thinking. Orthorexia is a highly dangerous eating disorder that can lead to malnutrition and other serious health problems.


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