A 6-Step Process to Helping You Achieve Your Goals

We know setting goals consistently provides more direction and focus, in ANY and ALL facets of our life.

Goal setting is beneficial because it provides tangible action steps to aim for consistently in order to get the job done.

I’ve got a six-step process you can follow when the going gets tough because let’s face it, life gets in the way and you WILL get thrown off course.


Step 1: Visualization

The act of visualization is simple and usually is done best while meditating for at least five minutes, but upwards of 15-20 minutes.

  • Close your eyes. Focus on your breathe

  • Envision your-future-self

  • Visualize your goals being achieved

When you have insane clarity on what you want to achieve and can ACTUALLY picture it vividly PLUS:

  • You start to believe it

  • Your SELF BELIEF goes up (biggest key)

  • You begin to take action on the steps to getting there

  • You have clear direction and you actually know what the end destination is

The only thing that really stops you from reaching your goals is you. It's your own lack of self belief and lack of clarity that holds you back.

Visualization is the first step in eliminating that.

Step 2: Write it down

If it's not written down, it won't happen. Period.

Not only is this going to help embed it into your brain, but it allows you to map things out a bit more.

You can't keep all your thoughts, plans, course corrections when roadblocks appear, etc.... just floating around up in your head.

If you're anything like me, it'll just get lost in the maze.

WRITE IT DOWN. In as much detail as you can.

Step 3: Apply positive pressure

Pressure can feel heavy and overwhelming, but it can also be just the accountability you need.

People achieve amazing things when pressure is applied to them. It's the little fire under their ass that keeps them going. And it's only positive, if YOU look at it that way.

So after step 1 and step 2, your job is to tell everyone you know, or as many people as you can find that will listen.

Point being, speak your goals out loud to others.

THEY will expect you to achieve it and that will be the positive pressure in your head. This is the real power behind "speaking things into existence". There is no magical law of attraction here. You just say your goals out loud and others hear you.

Then, you have a positive pressure (aka accountability) burning under you and that keeps you taking action and moving forward.

Step 4: Make it a habit, AKA build it into your daily ROUTINE

It typically takes people 21 days to form a new habit. Things performed daily become habits.

Habits become routines. Routines create success.

Athletes, CEO's, celebrities, politicians, parents, all the amazing people who are REALLY good at what they do have routines filled with specific habits that apply directly to their goal or what they're trying to become.

21 days is just long enough to make it a solid habit or at least give you enough familiarity to keep it in place long term, so you can then add the next thing to your habit list.

  • If fat loss is the goal, track your calories for 21 days straight. That's step 1.

  • If it's being more mindful, meditate for 21 days straight.

  • If it's something for your business, create something specific for your business for 21 days straight.

Take action. Repeat it until it's a habit.

Step 5: Create a mantra

The going will get tough; I can promise you that.

Mantras sound like this mystical thing, but for me, having a mantra that I can return to in a moment of weakness helps me visualize the way I want to feel when I’ve achieved my goal.

It’s how I envision myself once my goal is complete.

For example, when your schedule gets really hectic, try pausing and repeating your mantra to yourself that’s simple and serves as a quick reminder bringing you back to your WHY.

For example, “Slow down, stay present.” It’s four simple words that can remind you what you want to do and how you want to feel.

A few good mantras to remember for healthier eating habits can be:

  • “Eat to nourish and energize.”

  • “It’s not an option.”

Affirmations and mantras can go a very long way especially when life gets hectic.

Step 6: Elicit passion- every damn day

Now look, I know you may be thinking.; "I want to lose fat, but I'm not passionate about tracking macros or cooking most of my meals for myself... so how does this work?!"

It's not specific to your goal, it's just about life in general. You're alive! You're breathing. You can see, read, talk and move. You can do anything you want!

So be passionate about life! Passion creates enthusiasm. Enthusiasm gives you energy. Energy allows you to take action. Taking action creates results and results motivate you to keep going.

And if you're staying passionate the entire time, the train keeps moving; I promise.

If you need help staying the course towards your goals and think you can use the accountability from a coach like myself, reach out to me today to schedule your FREE strategy call.


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